Sisifo Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali - Società Cooperativa Sociale
Via Alfonso Borrelli, 3 - 90139 Palermo
P.zza Roma, 16 - 95125 Catania
Giuseppe Piccolo
23 Luglio 1999
Sisifo is a Consortium of Social Cooperatives. A member of the Leg coop federation, it groups together social cooperatives that play a leading role in providing social and healthcare services in Sicily. Sisifo has an authoritative economic and political role to play, and since 1999 has been working to promote – both for the consortium and for its members – the development of new activities with a view to social cooperation projects and the management of social and healthcare services, in keeping with the principles underpinning the international cooperative movement: mutuality, solidarity and support for the individual.
The social enterprises that make up the Sisifo Consortium are present throughout the region, providing social and healthcare services to individuals, through both home and residential/semi-residential care. Sisifo’s aim is to provide a framework for services and the promotion of social cooperation in Sicily.The Consortium is able to engage with regional, national and European institutions, and has a sharp awareness of the issues and the difficulties involved in managing social and healthcare services. This is a natural consequence of the vast amount of technical expertise acquired over the years, and goes hand in hand with the ability to provide services and care, as well as social cooperation operator training and regulatory support for the creation and/or running of nursing homes and hospices.
The Sisifo Consortium has been registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Palermo under economic and Administrative Index no. 218235 since 27/01/2000. It is also listed on the Register of Companies of Palermo under no. 4482/2000, and on the Register of Cooperative Societies “a mutualità prevalente” (traditional cooperatives) under no. 150791.
Sisifo is also listed on the Sicily Region Register of Local Entities, in the section for the Disabled, Elderly and Minors – Home Care and Sheltered Accommodation.