MISSION – Eschewing any form of speculation, the purpose of the Consortium is to help its members achieve their mutualistic aims by helping them develop in terms of both numbers and quality, as well as by initiating new services or productive activities, also by implementing new forms of collaboration between members with a view to optimising resources.
Specifically, in order to achieve its purpose, the Sisifo Consortium aims to:

pointarancio boost collaboration between cooperatives, with a view to assisting individuals for the purpose of human promotion and the social inclusion and integration of disadvantaged and marginalised individuals, also by coordinating the activities carried out by the cooperatives in order to guarantee a more productive, incisive impact on the social fabric;

pointarancio provide support and technical-administrative consulting services, as well as any other services the member cooperatives require to render their operations more effective;

pointarancio encourage the development and social productivity of the activities carried out by the cooperatives, also by selling their products and offering products and services to third parties, including public and private entities;

pointarancio take appropriate measures to encourage new social cooperation projects and activities;

pointarancio take part in tenders and/or manage the activities contemplated in Law no. 381/91, directly or together with member cooperatives.

Sisifo - Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali
Consorzio Sisifo - Prima la Qualità

VISION – Day after day, the Sisifo Consortium brings fresh enthusiasm to focusing on the synergies created among its members and their ability to put down roots in the local community, making them a natural hub for the provision of a quality service that can be used by members and made accessible to users. This focus on commonality and shared objectives consists of:

pointarancio assisting members with the planning and delivery of services, thus helping to integrate operations;

pointarancio offering a specifically targeted service to provide professional training and guidance for the development of individual and group skills;

pointarancio implementing and supporting processes to improve organisation, focused on the principles of efficient, effective production and delivery of services;

pointarancio developing collaboration with local bodies and other public and private social action entities in the area;

pointarancio sharing the know-how and experience gained through analysing, processing and documenting the work of its members;

pointarancio keeping the running costs of member and non-member cooperatives to a minimum, by centralising administrative activities.