The purpose of SSR S.p.A., set up on 11/08/2000 and accredited by the Regional Health Service on 3 July 2014, is to manage healthcare services and integrated healthcare services for the individual.
Within this framework, the company has an agreement with the Provincial Health Authority of Messina to provide in-clinic and in-home rehabilitation services, pursuant to art. 26 of Law no. 833/78. These include speech therapy, psychomotor therapy, psychotherapy, education, kinesiotherapy/neuromotor re-education, occupational therapy.
Rehabilitation services are guaranteed by around 150 professional figures (106 employees and 40 self-employed operators), who form the team required to deal with the full range of user needs (physiatrists, child neuropsychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, neuropsychomotor therapists, physiotherapists and pedagogists).
Outpatient and home care services are currently provided by the following rehabilitation centres:
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Messina
Via Stazione Contesse 63 – Messina
· Centro di Riabilitazione Di Barcellona P.G
Via Caduti sul Lavoro 35 – Barcellona P.G. (ME)
Tel 090.979 9869 – fax 090.970 7759
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Patti
Contrada S. Spirito snc – Patti (ME)
Tel 0941.240 154 – fax 0941.243 263
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Capo D’Orlando
Contrada S. Lucia – Capo D’Orlando (ME)
Tel 0941.913 280 fax 0941.903 155
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Nizza
Contrada Olivarella snc – Nizza di Sicilia (ME)
Tel 0942.701 572
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Villafranca
Via Quasimodo snc – Villafranca Tirrena (ME)
Tel: 090.369 7839
· Centro di Riabilitazione di Mistretta
C.da Mediera, snc
Tel 0921.766 266
· Centro di Riabilitazione Lipari
Via San Giorgio, snc.
Tel 090.335 3002