The Sisifo Consortium has since its inception been part of Leg coop, one of the main legally recognised organisations entrusted with representing, assisting and safeguarding the cooperative movement and social enterprises.
Inspired by cooperative principles and in keeping with the social function of cooperation recognised in art. 45 of the Italian Constitution, it promotes the development, expansion and transmission of those principles by taking the action it deems most appropriate in each particular instance.
The Sisifo Consortium belongs to the Quarantacinque consortium of social cooperatives of Reggio Emilia, with a view to constructing a cooperation identity able to promote values and sustainable economic development and to sketch out a welfare system centred on social cooperation, in its role as a player able to respond to the needs and circumstances of individual citizens.
The Sisifo Consortium also belongs to C.C.F.S. (Consorzio Cooperative Finanziare Sviluppo), a consortium of cooperatives specialising in a wide range of financial services, focused on engaging both with large national organisations and with the forms of cooperative activity traditionally more widespread in the production, work and services sectors.
The Consortium belongs to the Cooperfidi Sicilia Consortium, a collective loan guarantee consortium set up in 2004 and organised by the cooperative organisations to offer a means of financial support for access to credit for cooperatives in Sicily. The Cooperfidi Sicilia Consortium aims to offer financial solutions to improve the creditworthiness of its members.
Sisifo also belongs to Ribes, organised by Banca Prossima with a view to encouraging the economic and technological development of the organisations that take part in it and to raise the standard of the services offered, with a view to creating a single management model.
This is a mutual aid society that arises from the will of some Sicilian cooperators. The birth of a society that has the resources in the world of social cooperation has been urged by the need to help all workers in the cooperatives to access health and health care services.
Sisifo has recently joined the ACI, the national coordination of the most representative associations of Italian cooperation (Agci, Confcooperative, Legacoop). The ACI is the unitary representation of the Italian cooperation with the aim of coordinating the representation action towards the Government, the Parliament, the European institutions and the social partners.